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Spatial intelligence encompasses visual perception of the environment, the ability to create and manipulate mental images and presentation of body in space. Visuo-spatial intelligence forms the very basis of reading and writing including a strong sense of laterality, closure, sequencing, memory and observing the many dimensions existing within space and time. This intelligence relies on the sense of sight and being able to visualize objects.

Picture or design smart individuals have the ability to create internal mental images and pictures, while processing any situation. In other words spatial intelligence is the capability to think in three dimensions marked by the core abilities of mental imagery, spatial reasoning, image manipulation, graphic and artistic skills, and above all an active imagination. Navigators, pilots, architects, drivers, designers, detectives, artists are some people who have high incidence of spatial intelligence as they are very aware of their environment and think in terms of physical space. Fascination with mazes and jigsaw puzzles, frequent use of metaphors in speech are some of the manifestation of this intelligence.

As any other visual art, dance too is governed by the principles of form, balance, rhythm, line, shape etc. and as such most dancers have well developed visual intelligence and good at visual thinking. While learning new steps or choreography, a dancer is always thinking as to how it looks from the perspective of the audiences and how one sequence flows or merges into another. Spatial intelligence provides the ability to imagine transformations of the orientation of objects , symmetrically or even asymmetrically, such as dancers moving on the stage, and the ability to imagine the consequence of observer movements around arrays of objects, namely the lights, stage, audience etc.

Bodily intelligence makes a dancer learn physical steps, verbal intelligence helps to link them with lyrics or words, logical smartness is understanding the number of repetitions or patterns, musical is to choose or arrange a particular sequence and the visual above all is to arrange all these in to a coherent whole to make it a memorable dance performance.

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