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The Shanta Rasa, one of the nine rasas, is the state of peacefulness or tranquillity. It is marked by is the feeling of calmness, quietness and peacefulness. Its Sthayi Bhava is Sama, ie, state of freedom from everything be it worldly desires or actions. Its foundation is patience, service-mindedness, philosophical knowledge, self- control, pure spirits and freedom from all kinds of bondage. Its key note is non-violence or Ahimsa. Shanta Rasa is expressed by keeping the face in a peaceful expression or with the eyes turned upside as if doing penance and also by half closing the eyes. The purpose of recreating this Rasa is to depict the attainment of detachment from everything or Moksha, salvation. This is the representation of contentment or aesthetic bliss. Its Vibhava is knowledge or truth, anubhava is self-control & meditation and vyabhichari bhava is calmness, closed eyes, purity etc.

As this Rasa represents serenity and peace, it is a state of calm and unruffled repose that is marked simply by the lack of all other rasas. Because all other rasas are absent in Shanta , there is controversy whether it is a rasa at all. According to Bharatha, the author of Natyashastra, the other eight rasas are as proposed originally by Bramha, and the ninth, Shanta, is his contribution. Shanta is what Buddha felt when he was enlightened, when he reached the high spiritual plane that led him to salvation or nirvana and freed him from the cycle of life and death. Shanta represents complete harmony between the mind, body and the universe. Sages in India meditate for entire lifetimes to attain this state of being. In music, it is often represented through a steady and slow tempo.

Shanta is a clear and cloudless state.
Shanta is untroubled steadiness.
Shanta is the key to eternity.

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